MONUMENT: New Video "The Chalice" OUT NOW!

British Heavy Metal Band MONUMENT have released a new music video for 'The Chalice'.It's the […]
May 15, 2018

British Heavy Metal Band MONUMENT have released a new music video for 'The Chalice'.It's the third single off their upcoming album Hellhound, to be out on May 25th, 2018 via ROAR - rock of angels records!

MONUMENT:"The Chalice" (Official Video):

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The video includes a cast of some of the biggest names in the British pro wrestling scene such as WWE UK Superstar Trent Seven, Chardonnay Darcy, Defiant Wrestling champion Millie McKenzie, BLW Women's champion Jamie Hayter and Charli Evans. Also included in the video is Monument's very own championship title belt crafted by the band's front-man Peter Ellis who also creates title belts for WWE, WWE NXT and Channel 5's Lip Sync Battle UK, among others, with his title belt business Leather Rebels.

On 25th May 2018 MONUMENTs third studio album Hellhound will see the light of day via ROAR - rock of angels records! The album, consisting of 9 plus 3 bonus tracks of pure British heavy metal, will be available in Jewel Case CD (9 Tracks Standard Version), Limited Digipack CD with 3 bonus Tracks), Black Vinyl (9 Tracks Standard Version) and a limited 500 copy Boxset version

Pre-order your copy of Hellhoundhere:

Kyle Scott


Dustin Hardman
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