MIRACLE MASTER: To Auction Custom Guitar

Hard rockersMIRACLE MASTERhave announced a auction of a customMIRACLE MASTER Dean Guitar, this unikat issignedby […]
March 5, 2014

Hard rockersMIRACLE MASTERhave announced a auction of a customMIRACLE MASTER Dean Guitar, this unikat issignedby all band members andbrandedwith theMIRACLE MASTERband logo. The auction taking place onMarch 15at the "Tattooed Woman" albumrelease showandparty,Rock Cafe KissinHechingen, Germany. The guitar can be viewed below.

Bids for the autcion will be collected on the release show and via e-mail:contact@miracle-master.com. The winner will be announced at the after show party and via social media.

MIRACLE MASTER's debut album, "Tattooed Woman", due onMarch 7viaGoldenCore Records/ZYX MusicinEurope/North Americaand April 23viaBickee MusicinJapan. TheJapaneseversion of the album includestwo bonus tracks.

MIRACLE MASTERrecently released video clips for the songs "Tattooed Woman" and "Highway To Heaven". The video's can be viewed below.

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Skin clean! Let's rock the night atRock Cafe Kiss 03/15/2014

Oliver Weers ' Vocals (Oliver Weers Band)
Aki Reissmann ' Guitars (exPump, Downspirit)
Selly Bernhardt ' Guitars (exPump, Tales Of Sorrow)
Andy Minich ' Drums (exPump, Unfroynd)
Michael Vetter ' Bass (exPump, Chinchilla)


Rock N' Growl
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