MIERDASTER releases music video 'Verte Caer'‏

MIERDASTER releases music video 'Verte Caer' Chilean Punk/Thrash act MIERDASTER have made public its latest […]
January 25, 2015

MIERDASTER releases music video 'Verte Caer'

Chilean Punk/Thrash act MIERDASTER have made public its latest video 'Verte Caer', the video was produced by the band and directed by Rene Ortiz Leblanc. The track comes off their lastest album 'La Furia' released in 2012 via Digmetalworld Records and Distributed via MVD Entertainment Group in North America.

Watch the music video of 'Verte Caer' at the following location, below:

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Currently the band is working on new material for its fifth studio album, also has been invited to the free admission Festival 'Rock In Rio Itata 5' on Saturday 31st, 2015.

There are only two albums available in North America. Stream/buy the full album directly on Digmetalworld's band camp page, below:

(2014) La Furia: https://music.digmetalworld.com/album/la-furia
(2012) Sangrando: https://music.digmetalworld.com/album/sangrando

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