METALDAYS 2015: first headliner

Behemoth at Metaldays 2015 Dear media partner, the sad truth about the start of October […]
September 30, 2014

Behemoth at Metaldays 2015

Dear media partner,

the sad truth about the start of October might be, that the summer completely lost its relevance and cold days are lying ahead. Time to put on some fitting music: Behemoth are the first confirmed headliner for Metaldays 2015. Additionally, we are happy to announce that Rock Hard will be the new presentator of the Metaldays.

Enjoy reading and
Best wishes,
Chris, cmm GmbH

!!! press release !!!
The Metaldays gather new bands for next year's line-up... and today the first headliner is announced!

Klick zum DownloadA monolith of extreme metal, a giant beast of musical mayhem is coming to town to bring darkness and destruction over the lovely valley of Soca and to destroy all unworthy forms of life at Metaldays. And we will welcome them with arms wide open: Behemoth are coming to the Metaldays 2015 and if that's still not enough destruction for you, please welcome Kataklysm. The name has its origins in the Greek: "a monomentous and violent event marked by overwhelming upheaval and demolition; (...) the end of the world as we know it." That sounds like the cleaning service has to do some extra hours next year. In the meantime, M.O.D. (Method Of Destruction) will do their "real job" and entertain the audience with their crossover and hardcore punk. It is going to be sweaty, a lot of fun and loud! Some of you might even break into persipation simply by watching the technical death metal combo Obscura when they get started. Uniting some of the most talented European (metal-) musicians, the band creates a deep, technical and breathtaking sound mix that set new levels in the genre of technical death metal during the last years. These years are still to come for Malevolence, but the first album "Reign Of Suffering" gained a lot of attention from hardcore and metal fans in their homecountry UK. Just like Edge Of Serenity did in the Netherlands with their first record. We are waiting for their next album for a couple of years now, but we believe that a bright future awaits Nanette and the boys.

Stay tuned for more announcements!

BehemothBlow your trumpets, Tolmin, and brace yourself for the inferno that will haunt your postcard idyll in coming July. A monolith of extreme metal, a giant beast of musical mayhem is coming to town to bring darkness and destruction over the lovely valley of Soca and to destroy all unworthy forms of life at Metaldays. Well okay, it probably will not be that violent, but this description gives a rough estimation of the chaos that BEHEMOTH will unleash live on stage! There aren't many bands that need as little introduction as this group from Poland and probably no extreme metal head in the world these days is able to live his everyday life without getting in touch with them...

KataklysmFor more than 15 years literally no death metal fan in the world has been able to get around this four-piece band and folks, who have never heard about the term "Northern Hyperblast" or songs like "Shadows And Dust" and "Ambassador Of Pain" should be kicked out of the death metal community immediately! Kataklysm from Montréal, Québec/Canada, will provide you with a lesson in how contemporary, massive and technical death metal is supposed to sound nowadays - and their latest studio record "Waiting For The End To Come" serves as a excellent proof for their standing...

MODIn the middle of the eighties, when the members of the project S.O.D. were busy with their original bands again, Billy Milano decided to form his own band. A band, in which he would intertwine crossover, thrash and hardcore punk and throw in lyrics that he can use for insulting anyone he wants the way he wants. M.O.D. ' short for Methods Of Destruction ' was born! Their early years brought us material that is still considered as classics of the genre...

Obscura"Warning: Do not consume this audio product if you have a tendency for straight order, 4/4 rhythms and epileptic reactions!" If advice labels would be mandatory on CDs and concert tickets, this is probably how all of OBSCURA's products would be labeled. Uniting some of the most talented European (metal-) musicians, the band creates a deep, technical and breathtaking sound mix that set new levels in the genre of technical death metal during the last years...

MalevolenceMalevolence, one of the uprising British crossover bands is coming to Tolmin. Those newcomers have released their debut titled "Reign Of Suffering" on British label Siege Of Amida. Prior to that, they gained a lot of attention from hardcore and metal fans in their homecountry with their demo recordings. Explosive live performances, commitment to the good old riff and uncompromising approach have brought them international attention...

Edge Of Serenity
Edge Of SerenityMelodic metal with a woman at the helm is quite common on the today's metal scene. Edge Of Serenity from the Netherlands are doing their best to be more than average and show their vision of metal to wider audience. Their debut album "The Chaos Theory" has attracted the attention of an international metal audience...

Chris Uelsmann
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