METAL SOUL: A New Latinamerican Revelation

Metal Soul started in the metal world on November 2007 in Guatemala City, DanielSinay y […]
January 3, 2015

Metal Soul started in the metal world on November 2007 in Guatemala City, DanielSinay y Wilson Mazariegos were looking for the right people to start a metal band,Daniel contacted Dan via Chat to join them for the new project, while they wereworking in his first songs Wilson Called the Drummer Renne Fuentes to join theband, The first name of the band was hamelyn but just for a couple of monthsbecause they found another band with the same name then they decided to get anew name called METAL SOUL.

In 2009 they recorded their first EP called Prisionero de un Sueño with four songs,with this first experience they saw that really needed to study music to create greatmaterial so in 2010 They startedto work in the first officialalbum BAJO LA LUZ and it wasalmost finished in the same yearbut Daniel Sinay left the bandper personal issues and therecording session was stopped.

Then this inconvenience theband looked for a new vocalisthis name Allan Vallejo ex eclipsisVocals he took the vocalsposition during 2011, but theband needed a stronger soundand Allan was fired of the band, Daniel came back the band on 2012 and Metal Soulrestarted the Bajo la luz production, Renne Fuentes left the band to finish college, sothey looked for a new drummer, the new member for drums was AnthonyHernandez and he appeared in the first official video Hasta el Final.

Bajo la luz was released on July 20th 2013 in San Lucas, after this show a newmember was included in the Metal Soul line up Fernando Ramos on Guitars, afterone year the band is working in their new material Master.

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Metal Soul
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