METAL INQUISITOR: Release "Casualty Evacuation."

You can now stream the song "Casualty Evacuation" from the upcoming re-release of METAL INQUISITOR's […]
March 7, 2019

You can now stream the song "Casualty Evacuation" from the upcoming re-release of METAL INQUISITOR's 3rd album on

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The band's 3rd album "Unconditional Absolution" will finally be available again remastered as a limited edition CD Digipak as well as download and stream, starting March 22nd. You can pre-order the album here:

The album includes all-time classics like "Persuader" and "Quest For Vengeance", among others.

METAL INQUISITOR - Unconditional Absolution (Re-Release) out on March 22, 2019 via Massacre Records.

1. Extinction
2. Casualty Evacuation
3. Quest For Vengeance
4. Drowning Death
5. Betrayed Battalion
6. Satan's Host
7. The Arch Villain
8. Neropolis
9. Persuader
10. Suffer The Heretic To Burn
11. The Path Of The Righteous Man


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