MESSENGER (UK): Premiere new video at "The Independent", to tour with KATATONIA

MESSENGER (UK) premiere a pyschedelic new video for "Dear Departure" at the website of The […]
May 10, 2014

MESSENGER (UK) premiere a pyschedelic new video for "Dear Departure" at the website of The Independent, one of England's premiere newspapers. The track hails from the band's critically acclaimed debut album, Illusory Blues, recently released by SVART RECORDS. The video for "Dear Departure" precedes MESSENGER's upcoming UK/European tour with Katatonia, and be viewed in its entirety HERE , courtesy of The Independent.

The band comments on the video: "Musically, the song tries to convey a natural event of great magnitude, like an earthquake or a storm - a display of the sheer force of nature at its most merciless. It's also a reminder to the self to strive for inner calm after a storm, figuratively speaking. The video uses masking and compositing techniques to show the secret worlds that exist inside our thoughts and dreams - a utopia, of sorts, and a glimpse into the realms that exist before birth, during life, and after death."

Commencing today, the full list of confirmed dates/venues for the MESSENGER/Katatonia tour are as follows:

8th May, Biebob, Vosselaar – BE
9th May, P60, Amstelveen – NL
10th May, Christuskirche, Bochum – DE
11th May, Freiheiz, Munich – DE
12th May, Passionskirche, Berlin – DE
13th May, Schuur, Lucerne – CH
14th May, Les Docks, Lusanne – CH
15th May, Divan Du Monde – FR
16th May, Union Chapel, London- UK
17th May, Brudenell Social, Leeds – UK

MESSENGER (UK) is a musical troupe from London formed in the spring of 2012 by Khaled Lowe and Barnaby Maddick. They booked a session with producer Jaime Gomez Arellano at Orgone Studios that gave birth to their debut album,Illusory Blues: a cosmic ode to the forces of nature and the inevitable cycle of life. To cite musical influences would be futile. The musicians had made their names with bands in scenes as far apart as hardcore punk, black metal, and ambient music. Tonally, one might recall finding oneself in the same "space" occupied by other architects of sound such as Ulver, The Beatles, Swans, or Pink Floyd. But the stream of sound that emanates from the source of Illusory Blues is a heaving mass of organic richness, brimmed with intricate sounds that acknowledge the original fathers of experimentation but look forward in creating something new and unique. They dwell equally in the earthly realm of folk music and in the celestial void of progressive psychedelia, but have chanced upon a sound and an experience that sounds like no other. Rounded off by Daniel Knight and James Leach, the lineup of MESSENGER is now complete, but the journey has just begun.


Nathan Birk
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