MEGASCAVENGER: To Release New Album.

MEGASCAVENGER from Sweden return after few years with fourth full length. "Boneyard Symphonies" brings forth […]
January 25, 2019

MEGASCAVENGER from Sweden return after few years with fourth full length. "Boneyard Symphonies" brings forth 9 songs of dark, heavy and catchy European death metal. Just pure metal roller with powerful sound that will appeal to all fans of BOLT THROWER, GRAVE, PAGANIZER, ASPHYX, BENEDICTION.

As usual the mainman behind the band Rogga Johansson (also known from PAGANIZER, DOWN AMONG THE DEAD MEN, ECHELON, LOBOTOMY DEPT, MEGASCAVENGER, PUTREVORE, REVOLTING, RIBSPREADER,THE GROTESQUERY, THOSE WHO BRING THE TORTURE...) has invited a bunch of guests to make this masterpiece even catchier: Sven Gross (FLESHCRAWL), Ralf Hauber (REVEL IN FLESH), Jonas Lindblad (PUTERAEON), Michael Andersen (THORIUM), Mattias Parkkila (BLOOD MORTIZED), Tommy Carlsson (ENTRAILS), Adde Mitroulis (BIRDFLESH, GENERAL SURGERY), Dany Deranger (DEAD) and Jens Johansson (MEGA SLAUGHTER).

The album was recorded at The Rotpit Studios and some other studios; mixed and mastered by Jonny Pettersson (WOMBBATH, ASHCLOUD, JUST BEFORE DAWN, RIBSPREADER). Artwork by Ironworx Gravefix (BONE GNAWER, PAGANIZER, THOSE WHO BRING THE TORTURE)

Check out the advance stream of "Back To The Ancient Again" song on Selfmadegod Records' profile:

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You can pre-order CD version in Selfmadegod webstore:

"Boneyard Symphonies" is set for February 1st 2019 release date on CD and digital download via Selfmadegod Records.


1. Grotesque World Remnants
2. Bone And Meat Machine
3. The Unexpected Journey
4. Soils Reclamation
5. Murder By Vermin
6. Pandemic Rotting Storms
7. Factory Standard Slaughterdevice
8. World Sized Meatgrinder
9. Back To The Ancient Again

Selfmadegod Records
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