MAYHEM: Unleash new song

Norwegian black metal legendMAYHEMare now unleashing another new track taken from their forthcoming full-length "Esoteric […]
May 10, 2014

Norwegian black metal legendMAYHEMare now unleashing another new track taken from their forthcoming full-length "Esoteric Warfare". The song entitled "Trinity" is now exclusively streaming via the following official media partners:
Rock Hard
Metal Sickness
Metal Hammer
Zero Tolerance

"Esoteric Warfare" is scheduled for release on the 6th of June. The album in its various formats including a limited collectors' box are now available forpre-order
on the Season of Miste-shop

MAYHEM's stunning cover was created by Polish artist and architectZbigniew M. Bielak

Artwork and tracklist are shown below:

1. Watchers
2. PsyWar
3. Trinity
4. Pandaemon
6. VI.Sec.
7. Throne of Time
8. Corpse of Care
9. Posthuman
10. Aion Suntelia

MAYHEMhave previously announced a first set of European shows in support of "Esoteric Warfare". The tour will kick off on May 14th in Germany at Hamburg's famous Markthalle and continue to rage through ten countries until a final onslaught in Denmark's capital København at Pumpehuset. All dates can be viewed below:

14 May 14 Hamburg (DE) Markthalle
16 May 14 Bochum (DE) Matrix
17 May 14 Köln (DE) Essigfabrik
18 May 14 Eindhoven (NL) Effenaar
20 May 14 Bruxelles (BE) AB
21 May 14 London (GB) Electric Ballroom
22 May 14 Paris (FR) Le Divan du Monde
23 May 14 Winterthur (CH) Gaswerk
24 May 14 Milan (IT) Factory
26 May 14 Bratislava (SK) Randal
27 May 14 München (DE) Backstage Club
28 May 14 Berlin (DE) C-Club
29 May 14 Warsaw (PL) Proxima
30 May 14 Plzen (CZ) Metalfest Open Air Festival
31 May 14 København (DK) Pumpehuset

Additional festival shows have also been confirmed:
28 Jun 14 Lausanne (CH) Les Docks (Inferno Festival Swiss Edition)
08 Aug 14 Øya (NO) Tøyenparken (Øya Festival)

In advance of "Esoteric Warfare",MAYHEMrelease a vinyl 7" single containing an alternative mix of the track "Psywar", which will be unleashed on May 6th, 2014. The limited single (500 copies of each version) is nearly sold out! Only one version featuring the amazing artwork ofCostin Chioreanuis still available in limited quantities. See above for the cover art.

It has been seven long years sinceMAYHEMreleased their fourth and last full-length "Ordo ad Chao". Founded as early as in 1984 in Oslo, Norway by the late and legendary frontman Øystein Aarseth aka Euronymous, bassist Jørn "Necrobutcher" Stubberud, and Kjetil "Manheim" Haraldsson on drums, the band took its name from the VENOM song "Mayhem with Mercy". Continuing and renewing the Black Metal style heralded by the English trio,MAYHEMsoon became the instigators of the so called second wave and were at the heart of every controversy surrounding that genre. The suicide of misanthropic frontman Per Yngve "Dead" Ohlin. The murder of Euronymous by guest bass player "Count Grishnakh" alias the notorious Varg Vikernes. Church burnings, drugs and prison sentences,MAYHEMwere always at the centre of the storm. Yet not even death could stop the Norwegians, who released one musical milestone after the other. The incredible rawness of the "Deathcrush" EP (1987) was followed by the still iconic and genre defining "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" (1994), which featured devilish drummer Jan Axel "Hellhammer" Blomberg, who had joined in 1988. The vocalist on this album was the Hungarian Attila Csihar of TORMENTOR fame, who returned later in 2004 to take over from his meantime heir, the enigmatic original singer Sven-Erik "Maniac" Kristiansen. The latter was featured on the "Wolf's Lair Abyss" EP (1997), which was written mostly by highly talented guitarist Rune "Blasphemer" Eriksen, who scored a massive success with the highly controversial "Grand Declaration Of War" (2000). Those were followed by the more classic "Chimera" (2004) and a masterpiece of utter darkness called "Ordo Ad Chao" (2007) with Attila singing again, which inspired many bands to follow in its tracks.MAYHEMhad always witnessed many line-up changes due to the circumstances described above. Therefore even the loss of Blasphemer, who decided to focus on his other band AVA INFERI in 2008, did not stop the band. Activities mainly revolved around live shows, until the right balance was found again with the recruitment of Morten "Teloch" Iversen. The guitarist had already made a name for himself with NIDINGR, which is highly regarded amongst black metal enthusiasts yet remained mostly an underground phenomenon. Now his first compositional work withMAYHEMis unleashed and demonstrates how perfectly Teloch has captured the essence and spirit of the Norwegian legend by linking the band back to its roots, while at the same time taking a step forward into the spearhead position of the genre instead of dwelling in nostalgia. Tremble world,MAYHEMare back with a vengeance!

Attila: vocals
Teloch: guitars
Necrobutcher: bass
Hellhammer: drums
Ghul: live guitar

Season Of Mist
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