MAYHEM: embark on European tour

Legendary Norwegian black metal instigators MAYHEM are about to embark on a string of European […]
May 22, 2014

Legendary Norwegian black metal instigators MAYHEM are about to embark on a string of European shows. The tour will kick off tomorrow on Wednesday, May 14th in Germany at Hamburg's famous Markthalle and continue to rage through ten countries until a final onslaught in Denmark's capital København at Pumpehuset. All dates can be viewed below:

MAYHEM Tour Admat
14 May 14 Hamburg (DE) Markthalle
16 May 14 Bochum (DE) Matrix
17 May 14 Köln (DE) Essigfabrik
18 May 14 Eindhoven (NL) Effenaar
20 May 14 Bruxelles (BE) AB
21 May 14 London (GB) Electric Ballroom
22 May 14 Paris (FR) Le Divan du Monde
23 May 14 Winterthur (CH) Gaswerk
24 May 14 Milano (IT) Factory
26 May 14 Bratislava (SK) Randal
27 May 14 München (DE) Backstage Club
28 May 14 Berlin (DE) C-Club
29 May 14 Warszawa (PL) Proxima
30 May 14 Plzen (CZ) Metalfest Open Air Festival
31 May 14 København (DK) Pumpehuset

Additional festival shows have also been confirmed:
28 Jun 14 Lausanne (CH) Les Docks (Inferno Festival Swiss Edition
08 Aug 14 Øya (NO) Tøyenparken (Øya Festival)

MAYHEM will be touring in support of their forthcoming album "Esoteric Warfare", which is scheduled for release on the 6th of June. The album is already available for pre-order in its various formats including a limited collectors' box on the Season of Mist e-shop.

Season of Mist
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