MARTYR: Signed Deal with Pt78 Records

Shortly after an enormous amount of gigs and completing a very successful second Japan tour, […]
March 7, 2019

Shortly after an enormous amount of gigs and completing a very successful second Japan tour, MARTYR signed a three year record deal consisting of the release of two albums with Pt78 Records.

In the first time of their long career they will release a live album followed by a brand new studio album aimed for late 2019 / beginning 2020 as the successor of the very well received You Are Next album.

Pt78 Records (a Wayland Management label) is very proud to continue and intensify the already very successful relationship with the band.

MARTYR's official statement

"We are very happy to sign this double deal for 2 albums. Very excited to finally release a live CD and we will work hard on the successor of the You Are Next album, which was released by Into The Limelight Records. With us teaming up with Pt78 Records and the given confidence by them we cannot do anything else than work our asses off. We already have a great relationship with a big part of the team but also have great faith in the the new members and partners of the Pt78 team, business and creativity wise. And we can interact quickly because of that."

The future looks very promising for The Dutch Metal legends

Kyle Scott

Wayland Management
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