M PIRE OF EVIL: Tony Dolan doing in brazilian band clip

Many do not know, but bassist/vocalist Tony Dolan participated in 2013 second clip of band […]
April 6, 2014

Many do not know, but bassist/vocalist Tony Dolan participated in 2013 second clip of band Feto, where he made a brief narrative at the beginning of the song "Black Sheep".

Check out the clip at this link: https://bit.ly/1clI8nl

What to many may be considered lucky gauchos actually is not, because besides declared fans of Venom, everyone is even more fans of Tony, then the contact you have with the band today Demolition Man, is not over and fan musician, but of great friends.

Since in many presentations in late 2013 Demolition appears in several concerts with the shirt of the Feto, showing all his gratitude and admiration for the group, which has been consolidated with one of the old school bands from Brazil.

And with the backing and support of Demolition it only has to consolidate, both within and outside the country.

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Renato Junior
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