LUNATIC GODS: Announces new songs ready

Slovak violence black metal band - announces new songs ready! The band has just finished […]
February 23, 2014

Slovak violence black metal band - announces new songs ready! The band has just finished working on their new EP "Slnovraty" in Shaark studio in Bzenec, Czech republic. Just to give people a small taste of what it's like, they published a teaser to a song called "Kračúň". Bassguitarist Richard saying: "We're absolutely excited about this recording! From the music you can feel everything, that we've come through last year. There's a piece of everyone's soul in it and from the atmosphere you can feel that we worked on whole recording together."

Disc in unique leather packaging will be released as limited edition on 14th of February, 2014. Keyboardist Mhayitza continues: "We're organising this concert on that day in memory of our former vocalist Jarko "Horar" Vavro who passed away nearly 7 years ago. Every year this concert is held to remember him and to raise funds for "CANCER" foundation helping people with cancer. We also chose to celebrate launch of our new album on the same day. However, on the 26th of December, before the official release, we will publish the first song "Kračúň" to our websites and Youtube."

"Slnovraty" (meaning Solstices in English) is a conceptual recording over 15 minutes in length divided into two parts, both musically and lyrically. While "Kračúň" (Winter Solstice) is rather mystical and thoughtful medium paced song resembling deep waters reminding us of our transience, "Kupalo" (Summer Solstice) is celebration of life itself! Cruel musical storm in the style of Emperor, accompanied by violins and piano. Our drummer Svarog known from cult black metal band Mystic Death was given this time more vocal parts. Guttural duets of Emil and Svarog recall old Limbonic Art and we all love these bands, that's for sure ... " adds guitarist Luboslav regarding the music.

The band also reveals something about artwork of the piece. Fans will find the booklet when opening original leather packaging made by vocalist and leather craftsman Emil himself. Disc will be limited to 300 copies.


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Lunatic Gods Band
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