LOUDBLAST Unveil New Track From New Album 'Burial Ground'

French legendary death metal mongers are releasing their new album' Burial ground' on Listenable on […]
April 29, 2014

French legendary death metal mongers are releasing their new album' Burial ground' on Listenable on May 5th.
The upcoming new album currently much acclaimed by press worldwide, shows the band wandering into very dark musical shores of obscure death metal, LOUDBLAST have never sounded so menacing and intense. fans of CELTIC FROST, and 90s death metal are welcome to dwell into this very malign and convincing album . The limited edition digipack and vinyl will contain the bonus track ' The Bird'.
Experiment 'A Bloody oath' opening ' Burial ground' now !


"what a treat" Album of the month - METAL OBS 4.5/5
"A huge slaughter" - Album of the month - METALLIAN 6/6
"One of the best record in recent years. (...) A lesson to the younger generation " - MUSIC WAVE - 5/5
"Place of honor (...) at the top of French metal - ART ZONE 9/10
"Flawless" "future classic" - LA GROSSE RADIO 9/10
"Do a favor to yourself: buy it, and hear 'till your ears explode!" - METAL TEMPLE 9/10

PRE ORDER HERE : https://www.shop.listenable.net/49_loudblast

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