LIONS AT THE GATE: Ex-Il Niño Bandmates Regroup As A New Band; Release Debut Single "Not Even Human"
June 4, 2021
Cristian Machado(vocals),Ahrue Luster(guitar) andDiego Verduzco(guitar) have today announced that they have joined musical forces once again to launch brand new projectLions At The Gatealong with bassistStephen Brewerand drummerFern Lemus. The band have dropped their debut single "Not Even Human" today along with an official music video. Find the track on streaming platformshereand watch the videohereor by clicking the image below.

Speaking on the band's debut release, frontmanCristian Machadosays
"I feel so blessed to be in Lions at the Gate. We've all been making albums for a long time but I think it was time for us to make something special and memorable again. This album is exactly that.
Take away our musical history, take away our long hair, take away our personal feelings, just make believe we were never there. This Lions at the Gate album is amazing. We finally made a modern metal album that metalheads will enjoy beginning to end. It's deep, it's memorable, I can't wait for everyone to hear it, I can't wait for everyone to hear the featured female artist on one of the songs!"
Guitarist,Diego Verduzcoadds
"I'm beyond proud and excited to announce our new band Lions At The Gate. Life is all about change and I feel that this music is the most dynamic and honest that we've ever written. I feel a sense of freedom and am completely reinvigorated and even anxious (in a good way) to be a part of something that pulls influence from so many directions . Each member brings a unique set of talent and tools. It's quite frankly some of the best music we've ever written.
Organic, honest, and true."
Guitarist,Ahrue Lusteradds
"I'm more excited about Lions at the Gate than anything that I've been a part of since I started my musical career."
Los Angeles, California based bandLions At The Gate, featuring ex-members of Machine Head, Ill Niño, Westfield Massacre, and Silence The Messenger, proves that new horizons can always be climbed.
The band formed in late 2019, with a new lease on creativity and determination.Lions At The Gateis led by acclaimed vocalistCristian Machado, guitaristsDiego VerduzcoandAhrue Luster,bassistStephen Brewer, and drummerFernando Lemus.
Moving on from prior projects, the band's musical foundation quickly began to form its own identity while expanding upon familiar territory. Having quickly attracted the ear of producerKile Odell(Fozzy, Motionless In White, Cane Hill, Shaman's Harvest, Through Fire) the band began recording their monster debut album summer of 2020.
Expect more fromLions At The Gatesoon.
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