LILLIAN AXE To Release Acoustic Live Album In April

*Lillian Axe will be releasing their thirteenth album, the acoustic live,One Night in the Temple, […]
February 23, 2014

*Lillian Axe will be releasing their thirteenth album, the acoustic live,One Night in the Temple, on April 15, 2014 via CME Records!*

Louisiana Music Hall of Fame members, Lillian Axe, will be releasing theirthirteenth album, the acoustic live, One Night in the Temple, produced by SteveBlaze, on April 15, 2014 via CME Records / Sony Music (RED) inthe USA and Canadaand via Melodic Rock Records / Cargo Distribution for theworld.

Performed acoustically in an intimate setting housed in a Masonic Temple in theBayou, with their most diehard fans, One Night in the Temple, features all theirhits including, True Believer, Show A Little Love, Crucified, Misery LovesCompany, Ghost of Winter, The Great Divide, Bow Your Head, Waters Rising and thecrowd favorite Nobody Knows.

Lillian Axe founder Steve Blaze reflects; " when I first had the idea of puttingthis show together, it was originally going to be a private 20 person show withacoustic guitars, vocals and no production, however, it took on a life of itsown."

One Night in the Temple; will be released as 3 disc set (2CDs/1DVD and2CDs/1Blu-Ray), housed in an elaborate digipack. Filmed in high definition, theBlu-Ray and DVD will contain the acoustic performance, fan question and answersession, videos for the songs Caged In and Death Comes Tomorrow, live concertfootage from their July 4, 2013 performance at the Paragon Casino and behind thescenes footage.

Disc 1: Waters Rising, Death Comes Tomorrow, Ghost of
Winter, See You Someday, The Great Divide, Nocturnal Symphony, Sad Day On Planet
Earth, Bow Your Head, Show A Little Love and Misery Loves Company.

Disc 2:
Crucified, The World Stopped Turning, Dyin' to Live (Shades of Blue), Until The
End Of The World, The Day I Met You, The Promised Land, Nobody Knows, My
Apologies, True Believer and Nobody Knows (Crowd Version).

Lillian Axe is:
Brian Jones (lead vocals),
Steve Blaze (guitar and vocals),
Poitevent (guitar and vocals),
Eric Morris (bass guitar)
Ken Koudelka(drums).

Lillian Axe will be touring to support this release this summer.

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