LELAHELL: Algerian Metallers Launch Crowdfunding Campaign

Ambitious Algerian up-and-coming metallers Lelahell announced today the launch of a crowdfunding campaign to support […]
April 7, 2016

Ambitious Algerian up-and-coming metallers Lelahell announced today the launch of a crowdfunding campaign to support their upcoming record.

Lelahell announced today they will seek donations through a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. This move follows in the footsteps of a growing trend of metal-genre bands and musicians across the globe who are turning to crowdfunding to support the financial burden of equipment, recording and touring. The band consider this the first crowdfunding campaign hosted by an Algerian metal band.

The majority of funds needed are intended to help cover the costs of album artwork, production of the album, production of a music video and band merchandise. In exchange for donating to the campaign, contributors can receive Lelahell merchandise, including T-shirts, posters, stickers, pins and other collateral.

The trio's new album, "Alif," is slated as the group's second full-length album and third release since the band's formation in 2010. Lelahell are set to record at Hertz Studio in Poland under the guidance of well-known producers the Wiesławscy brothers.

In Arabic, alif is the first letter in the alphabet, and it is used in Arabic calligraphy to determine the size of the following characters. Lelahell say they chose the title as this album "will be the main musical reference of the next upcoming releases."

Fans and metal supporters can contribute to the crowdfunding effort by visiting: https://igg.me/at/lelahell

This campaign will start the 4th April and will end the 15[sup]th[/sup] May 2016.

Lelahell Band
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