KYTERION: New Video for "Cerbero Il Gran Vermo."

Dante's Inferno themed black metallers Kyterion release an official track stream video for the song […]
April 6, 2018

Dante's Inferno themed black metallers Kyterion release an official track stream video for the song "Cerbero Il Gran Vermo", from their upcoming second album "Inferno II".

Watch the video here:

Their devilish and furious sound reminds of black metal titans such as Watain and Necrophobic, while their lyrics in XIIIth century's Italian Vernacular language are focused on the first canticle of the eternal poem 'The Divine Comedy' by Dante Alighieri.

The song "Cerbero Il Gran Vermo" deals with the third circle of hell, where "Cerberus The Great Worm" tears apart souls who have committed the deadly sin of gluttony.

"When the beast perceived Dante and Virgil, he opened his mouth and showed his tusks: no limb of him kept still. Virgil, spreading his palms, took up earth; and, with full fists, cast it into his ravening gullets. As the dog, that barking craves, and grows quiet when he bites his food, for he strains and battles only to devour it: so did those squalid visages of Cerberus the Demon, who thunders on the spirits so, that they would fain be deaf."

Kyterion's new album "Inferno II" is set for a release on 4th May 2018 via Subsound Records. All available formats will soon be reveled and up for pre-order.

Recorded at Medoosa Studio in Bologna, while mixing and mastering were handled by Giuseppe Orlando at The OuterSound Studios (Stormlord, Necrodeath, Novembre) in Rome.

Cover Artwork Design by Gustavo Sazes.

Out on 4th May 2018.

Subscribe to KYTERION's official youtube channel here:

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