KULL: Unleash new song "Vow of The Exiled."

UK's Barbarian Metal Kings KULL featuring members of the renowned BAL-SAGOTH are pleased to present […]
March 8, 2019

UK's Barbarian Metal Kings KULL featuring members of the renowned BAL-SAGOTH are pleased to present their second song taken from their upcoming debut album EXILE out April 30th. Video by Guilherme Henriques.

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1. Imperial Dawn
2. Set-nakt-heh
3. Vow Of The Exiled
4. A Summoning To War (dea Bellorum Invicta)
5. Horde's Ride
6. An Ensigh Consigned
7. Pax Imperialis
8. By Lucifer's Crown (lapis Exillis)
9. Of Stone And Tears
10. Aeolian Supremacy: Wrath Of The Anemoi
11. Of Setting Suns And Rising Moons


Black Lion Records
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