KLOGR Reveals Hard-Hitting New Track 'Guilty and Proud' Today via HeavyBlogisHeavy

Italian alt/prog metal band KLOGR is pleased to reveal a brand new track today, exclusively […]
April 20, 2014

Italian alt/prog metal band KLOGR is pleased to reveal a brand new track today, exclusively via HeavyBlogisHeavy.com. The track, entitled 'Guilty and Proud', is available for streaming now at this location. The track is themed upon social awareness ' regarding how those in charge making regrettable decisions are publicly heralded while the truth in their choices are hidden from plain sight.

"Truth drowns everyday
Voiceless, alone, bleeding black tones
Proof found a thousand ways
Faults still are crowned, Common sense is lost"

Listen now via HeavyBlogisHeavy.com and stay tuned for more music coming soon from KLOGR!

'Guilty and Proud' appears on KLOGR's powerful upcoming full-length album Black Snow hitting stores on April 29, 2014 via ZETA FACTORY for physical and Believe for digital. Recorded between Zeta Factory and Green River studios, the album was produced by KLOGR frontman and mastermind Rusty and Tancredi Barbuscia. Black Snow will be released in a special digital edition including the band's 2011's Till You Turn EP and Ground Zero 11-11-11 Live. Check out an album trailer here

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Maria Ferrero
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