KILMARA: To Perform at "Rock The Ring" Festival.

After the success of the album "Across The Realm of Time" (Rock of Angels Records, […]
March 2, 2019

After the success of the album "Across The Realm of Time" (Rock of Angels Records, ROAR!) The band from Barcelona KILMARA, invited by the Souls of Rock Foundation, has been confirmed for the Rock The Ring FESTIVAL, the most important Hard Rock event in SWITZERLAND where they will offer their performance to over more than 20,000 people and will share the stage with authentic legends such as DEF LEPPARD, WHITESNAKE, SAXON, LYNYRD SKYNYRD, TESLA or GOTTHARD among others.

The Rock The Ring festival takes place in Hinwil, very close to Zurich and the impressive Obersee lake, on June 20-21-22, you can find all the program information, tickets, camping at:

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