KILMARA: Searching for new vocalist

Christian "Wolf" which until now, was the voice of KILMARA, has decided to leave the […]
October 18, 2015

Christian "Wolf" which until now, was the voice of KILMARA, has decided to leave the band, after thirteen years. The reasons that prompted him to this difficult decision, unfortunately, are at the order of the day, tired and unmotivated with the difficult national scene currently lives in the world of music.

Still, this is not the general state of the band, KILMARA have many reasons and desire to continue carving out a future in the music scene, pointing promising for them and we will not stop fighting, although this process will slow, but progress steadily, safe and with great enthusiasm.

That is why KILMARA undertakes the search for a new vocalist from this moment. A serious person, willing to work, preferably from Barcelona. If you who read this think you're the right person, or know who may be, please contact us via the following email: [email=""][/email]

KILMARA comply, as is agreed with previous commitments and those who will be reporting shortly.

Carmen Suarez Ramos
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