KATHAARSYS: "Describing The Paradox Vol.I" Out Now

The new album of Kathaarsys "Describing The Paradox Vol.I" is out now. The 6[sup]th[/sup]full length […]
December 19, 2014

The new album of Kathaarsys "Describing The Paradox Vol.I" is out now.

The 6[sup]th[/sup]full length in the Kathaarsys career can be listened/downloaded for free on the official bandcamp:
[url="https://3c-lxa.mail.com/mail/client/dereferrer?redirectUrl=https%3A%2F%2F3c-lxa.mail.com%2Fmail%2Fclient%2Fdereferrer%3FredirectUrl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fkathaarsys.bandcamp.com%2Falbum%2Fdescribing-the-paradox-vol-i" target="_blank"]https://kathaarsys.bandcamp.com/album/describing-the-paradox-vol-i

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