KARNE: Debut Album Announcement, New Song Available

In the year 2011,KARNE, spurred on by female vocalist Eingeweide, sees the light of the […]
August 27, 2014

In the year 2011,KARNE, spurred on by female vocalist Eingeweide, sees the light of the day in France . Quickly, the initial quartet records the "MMXII" demo, shoots a promotional clip, and performs live with such bands like Slaughter Messiah, Corpus Diavolis or Sortregn. 2013 marks the year of a solid line-up: Eingeweide is surrounded by Bael on drums, the bassist Hraesvelg,R. and H.K.A on guitars.

KARNEplays Black Metal with a violent, fast and melodic approach.A great deal of passion and hard work allowed them to open for bands like Temple Of Baal or Svartcrown.

Therefore, in June 2014,KARNEsigned withQUALITY STEEL RECORDSand will release theirfirstalbum'Faith In Flesh'in thefall of 2014.
A new song called "Agony" is available for streaming now at this location:https://youtu.be/2100E8qrH_E





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