JASTA: Release New Track "The Immortal"

Catch Jasta at the 2015 New England Metal & Hardcore Festival Internationally-recognized Hatebreed frontman Jamey […]
March 8, 2015

Catch Jasta at the 2015 New England Metal & Hardcore Festival

Internationally-recognized Hatebreed frontman Jamey Jasta's side project Jasta has unleashed a new track today, entitled "The Immortal", written as the new entrance song for UFC fighter Matt "The Immortal" Brown. The single is available today for streaming, exclusively via the Jasta Bandcamp page: www.Jastahq.bandcamp.com. On the Bandcamp page, fans can also purchase both extended and original versions of the track.

"The Immortal" will be available for purchase on March 10[sup]th[/sup] via iTunes and will also be available for streaming via Spotify.

Jamey Jasta states, "I've been thinking about releasing new JASTA tunes for a while now, so when Matt "The Immortal" Brown asked me if I'd be interested in putting something together for his entrance music, an idea instantly came to mind. I'm a big fan of his so this worked out perfectly. Matt is fighting March 14th at UFC 185, it's gonna be a war!"

Make sure to catch Matt "The Immortal" Brown fighting Johnny "Bigg Rigg" Hendricks as part of the UFC 185: Pettis vs. Dos Anjos PPV main event, March 14[sup]th[/sup] in Dallas, TX. For more information on the event, visit www.ufc.com/event/UFC185.

Catch Jasta performing at this year's New England Metal & Hardcore Festival on April 17[sup]th[/sup] at The Palladium in Worcester, MA. Learn more at https://metalandhardcorefestival.com/.

For more information on JASTA and other related projects please visit:

Jamey Jasta Homepage:www.JameyJasta.com
Jamey Jasta Twitter Page:www.twitter.com/jameyjasta
Jamey Jasta Band Camp Page:www.Jastahq.bandcamp.com
Jamey Jasta Facebook Page:www.Facebook.com/JastaHQ

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