IZEGRIM: signs management deal with District 19

Dutch death thrash ragers IZEGRIM have teamed up with the Austrian management and booking firm […]
June 30, 2014

Dutch death thrash ragers IZEGRIM have teamed up with the Austrian management and booking firm District 19, whose clients include Asphyx, Bodyfarm, Gama Bomb, Hail Of Bullets, Necrophobic and many others.

Guitarist Jeroen Wechgelaer had the following to say about this cooperation: "Yes ladies and gents, we sold our souls to District 19! After having worked together with the District 19 team for quite some time, we're certain they're the right people to lift IZEGRIM up to the next level. We're growing faster and faster and it's great to team up with skilled people whom you trust to take care of your business. Finally more time for rock 'n roll!"

"I'm proud to have Izegrim on our management roster." commented District 19 owner Roman Alexander Hödl. "We're ready to take the band to the next level."

District 19 ' owned and managed by Roman Alexander Hödl ' is one of Europe's leading extreme metal booking and management agencies, representing international artists worldwide.

District 19
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