IZEGRIM: Enters Soundlodge Studio To Begin Recording 5th Album

Dutch death thrash-ragers Izegrim have entered Soundlodge Studio (God Dethroned, Sinister,..), the German-based recording studio […]
July 27, 2015

Dutch death thrash-ragers Izegrim have entered Soundlodge Studio (God Dethroned, Sinister,..), the German-based recording studio owned by Jörg Uken, to begin tracking the follow-up to 2013's 'Congress Of The Insane' scheduled for an early 2016 release. The cover art will be designed by Björn Gooßes from Killustrations design studio (Dew-Scented, Hackneyed,..).

Guitarist Jeroen Wechgelaer had the following to say: "this album will be a logical follow-up to 'Congress Of The Insane'. This time around, we're taking the villain's point of view. It's going to be intense, catchy and furious. We can't wait to release this beast!"

'Congress Of The Insane' was released on September 15 2013 via Listenable Records. The album contains 11 songs, including "Manifest Of A Megalomaniac", which features a guest appearance by Sabina Classen from Holy Moses.

Izegrim is:

Marloes Voskuil - Vocals & Bass
Jeroen Wechgelaer - Guitars
Bart Van Ginkel - Guitars
Ivo Maarhuis ' Drums

District 19 Press
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