ISVIND: Reveal New Album Details

Norwegian Black MetallersISVINDare still working on their new album "Gud". The successor of "Daumyra" will […]
February 16, 2015

Norwegian Black MetallersISVINDare still working on their new album "Gud". The successor of "Daumyra" will include nine songs with a running time of about 45 minutes. In April,ISVINDwill start recording the songs. The release is set for July 2nd 2015 via Folter Records.

SinceISVINDare going to play on the Under The Black Sun festival on the same weekend, you can expect the live premiere for the new songs there, deep in the dark woods right outside Berlin!More information aboutISVINDcan be found here:

ISVIND Facebook
Folter Records Homepage.

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