IRON MAIDEN Will Headline Belgium's 'Pukkelpop'

British heavy metal legends IRON MAIDEN will headline this year's 'Pukkelpop' festival, set to take […]
By Dimitris Kontogeorgakos
March 30, 2010

British heavy metal legends IRON MAIDEN will headline this year's 'Pukkelpop' festival, set to take place August 19-21, 2010 in Hasselt-Kiewit, Belgium.

2010 is the 25th anniversary of Pukkelpop which has grown in popularity over the years to become one of the biggest alternative open-air festivals in Belgium. Located approximately 70 kilometers from Brussels, this friendly festival prides itself on its progressive musical program; eight stages featuring 200 acts encompassing not just metal bands but also contemporary, alternative and local bands attracting an audience from across Europe and beyond.

Festival tickets go on sale on April 20.

For more information, visit

Source: www.Blabbermouth.Net

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