IRON BASTARDS: Stream New Album 'Fast & Dangerous'

After a few weeks spent unveilling some various excerpts from this effort, French Fast & […]
December 10, 2016

After a few weeks spent unveilling some various excerpts from this effort, French Fast & Dirty Rock'n'roll power trio Iron Bastards just released their new filthy album called 'Fast & Dangerous' for physical / digital formats through the German record label FDA Rekotz (The End). In addition to the official release-news, the album is also available right now for entire streaming on Bandcamp:

Old school Rock with a modern view : The Iron Bastards play a fast and dirty rock'n'roll. Energetic, aggressive, motivated, the Bastards give heavy and powerful shows that will make your ears bleed ! Founded in 2013, the band played fast from its beginning but also work fast and released its two first records in 2014 ('Boogie woogie sessions' and 'Wasteland') before to begin to work on a full-length album. Tons of high-energy gigs later, Iron Bastards released 'Boogie woogie violence' in 2015. Less than two years after their first album, the Bastards released their second full-length record with 'Fast & Dangerous'

For fans of Motörhead, Nashville Pussy, Danko Jones, Peter Pan Speedrock!.

Domino Media Group
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