INVISIBLE ORANGES: Discusses The Brazilian Extreme Music With Greyhaze Records' J. Neto.
June 21, 2014
Internet blog Invisible Oranges recently conducted an in-depth interview with Greyhaze Records' owner/manager J. Neto to discuss various aspects of the Brazilian Extreme Music landscape. The interview sheds some light on the origins and current state of the infamous Heavy Metal scene of Brazil.
It also explains how, despite geographical barriers, it came to be one of the most prolific and influential Metal movements in the world, spawning amazing bands such asSepultura, Sarcofago, Ratos de Porao, Dorsal Atlantica, Vulcano, and many more. The article also discusses the current state of Brazilian underground extreme music and its position within Brazilian society in the 80s as well as today.
The article rounds up with a discussion on the history of Greyhaze Records and its association with Brazil's Cogumelo Records and the reissue of classic albums in the US and Canada. Greyhaze Records' owner J. Neto had this to say about the interview:"Brazilian and South American Metal pack so much power and influence. We really appreciate Invisible Oranges giving us this opportunity to talk about and praise the bands that helped create this scene."
Says Ian Chainey (Invisible Oranges Editor): "It was an honor and a pleasure getting the chance to explore Brazil's metal history with J.Greyhaze's commitment to keeping these classics in print is an invaluable contribution to the worldwide metal scene."The full interview can be readat this locaion.
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