Inside The Music: Exciting New Online Documentary

To the public eye the music industry is a glamorous business, but what is it […]
October 3, 2015

To the public eye the music industry is a glamorous business, but what is it really like to be a musician in the ever growing industry.

Watch the teaser trailer for Inside The Music,

Inside The Music, is an exciting new, 8-part documentary, which walks in the lives of musicians, DJ's and bands who are pursuing their career, giving an insight to the up and coming market, showing the struggles, and success they endure along the way, and how they juggle personal life with their dream, and what keeps them going and pushing for success.

Inside The Music, covers all genres of music, showcasing musicians who are at different levels of their career, walking on all paths of the industry and having experienced different outcomes so far on their journey to being an established musician.

Each 10/15-minute episode focuses on one musician or band, looking in to the last few years of their career, and them discussing the achievements they have accomplished during that time, their music, tour life and how they deal with rejection, poor turn outs at shows, and other set backs.

The cast is made up with some exciting up and coming musicians;

Patrick Nazemi - DJ (
Arthur Walwin - Singer-Songwriter/Producer (
Calum Foad - Singer-Songwriter (
Vanity Draws Blood - Metalcore band (
Ekko - BeatBoxer (
Zuby - Rapper (
The Hyena Kills - 2-Piece Rock band (
Beth Macari - Singer-Songwriter/Presenter (

"What does it take to be successful in the music industry?"

More infos:

Artistic Ego
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