INFERIS offers full discography for free download

Chilean band INFERIS have recently announced that all its discography is now available for free […]
April 18, 2014

Chilean band INFERIS have recently announced that all its discography is now available for free download via Digmetalworld's website. The full list of albums can be seen below. You can download it here: Music | DIGMETALWORLD Records

- "Between Heaven and Hell" (10 years edition 2004-214)
- "We Fight¡" (ep 2007)
- "When Men Collide" (LP 2010)
- "Lead the Chain" (ep 2012)

The band is currently recording its third album with Chilean Producer Ignacio Figueroa (Naioth, All Angels Massacre) in Viña del Mar, Chile. You can watch their video reports, below:

Studio #2:

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Studio #1:

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