IN THE HOUSE OF FLIES: Features Henry Rollins As The Voice Of The Killer

In The House Of Flies, a new thriller coming January 20th,features Henry Rollins as the […]
December 10, 2014

In The House Of Flies, a new thriller coming January 20th,features Henry Rollins as the voice of the killer

"...Succeeds in delivering an atmosphere of sustained tension."
- Frank Scheck, The Hollywood Reporter

In the House of Flies tells the story of young lovers whose lives are inadvertently changed forever. An innocent couple suddenly find themselves abducted. By whom? For what purpose? Alone, isolated and locked in an undisclosed suburban basement, Heather and Steve find themselves pawns in a mad man's mind game. Starring Henry Rollins as the voice of the killer.

In the House of Flies was an official selection of the British Horror Film Festival and spent 3 weeks on the iTunes Top 50 when it was first released via digital formats. It also received tremendous praise from the press.

"Flicks this intense are few and far between these days."
- Dread Central

"I cannot praise this film enough."
- Ain't It Cool News.

Clint Weiler | MVD Entertainment Group
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