IN OTHER CLIMES: Joins Bastardized Recordings

Bastardized Recordings-Team, has been granted before the end of the year an signed another great […]
January 3, 2015

Bastardized Recordings-Team, has been granted before the end of the year an signed another great band to their roster. The new boys in town are In Other Climes. Heading from Nice on the French Mediterranean coast, the fivepeace brings fat Thrash Metal mixed up with Hardcore. Their new Album Leftover will hit the stores early 2015. This is what the band has to say about the new contract:

"We are very proud to announce you that we signed with the German label Bastardized Recordings. Our new album is called "Leftover" and will be released early 2015. This album is really different from the others with more hardcore and punk influences.

All the songs are really simple, easy to remember and perfect for stage. Thanks to the Bastardized Recordings Crew for making this happen and trusting in us! Related to our new album a lot of tours and videos are planed. So stay tuned and see you in the pit!"

Against PR
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