IMPERIAL DOMAIN: Return with New Album.
June 18, 2018
Swedish melodic death metal band IMPERIAL DOMAIN released a first single 'True Face of War' from their upcoming third album 'The Deluge'. The album is released August 10th 2018 by Finnish record label Inverse Records.

Imperial Domain was formed in Uppsala, Sweden, back in 1994.
In June 1997 they recorded their debut album entitled "In The Ashes Of The Fallen" in Sunlight Studios. The second album entitled "The Ordeal" was recorded in October-November 2000 in Prime Studios.
Both albums received great reviews around the world and the band continued to play until 2005. From that time the band members continued to play in other constellations until they decided to start up the band again in 2014.
The hunger for making music was there again and they all were eager to create something new, this Imperial machine had more to offer. But unfortunately, tragedy struck the same year as the singer Tobias von Heideman passed away. This didn't stop the band however, they were determined to complete material for a new album, which they did in 2016. These boys have something really special in their hands. It's melodic yet incredibly heavy and noncompromising as their new singer Andreas Öman proves to be a worthy replacement for Tobias.
"The Deluge" the brand new offering from IMPERIAL DOMAIN contains 8 well executed tracks of immaculate production values recorded in HSH-studio. With mixing and mastering of the highest quality at E.A.P. by Ronnie Björnström and artwork by Pete Alander at BANDMILL, you can be assured of a piece of work with uncompromising quality.
An album this strong can't be ignored!
Track list:
1. True Face of War
2. The Deluge
3. The Future Is Lost
4. Conspiracy
5. Withdrawn From Life
6. Eternal
7. Evanescent
8. Ever Since That Day
Andreas Öman - Vocals
Peter Laitinen - Guitar
Philip Borg - Guitar
Alvaro Svanerö ' Drums
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