IMPERATIVE PR: Round-up of Innovative Albums.
April 14, 2018
Hi - Chris and Paul here from Imperative PR here, with a round up of some of the most innovative and individual albums that we've brought your way in the last couple of months - each one remarkable in their own way. First up we have...
Flames Of Genesis is the creative chalice in which the mysterious entity, known only as The Voyager, distils his blend of music and knowledge and threads through the elixir the quicksilver of secrets brought from beyond the farthest stars. Nameless and faceless he has arrived with his entrancing, all consuming music, offering insights to mystery and a listening experience like no other. He brings a sound, a vision, a key... Interstellar Transmigration Part I: A Bridge To Further Realms is formed of seven soundtracks to enlightenment, seven revelations woven within sonic tapestries, seven wonders to be discovered. The grand, layered, cinematic sounds enthral the listener, wrapping them in the cold embrace of space, opening the mind's eye to sights from the very edge of the universe. Out now on Minotauro Records.
Transylvania is a land steeped in myth and legend, known for its mist shrouded forests, ancient peaks and darkly dreaming castles...but if you listen, there's a voice shouting loud from the Transylvanian heartland, the voice of a band that stands firmly in the present, looking to the future not the past, a band screaming at the world to wake the fuck up! Krepuskul are here to shake you from complacency, to blast the cobwebs of sleep from your brain, to open your eyes, re-energise your brain and light a fire in your heart. The Romanian warriors have recently unleashed their most powerful and potent album to date ' Hybrid. Hybrid brings together nine tracks that all exude passion, musicality, drive and energy, verve and vigour. Wherever you turn Hybrid hits hard with its commanding call to arms. Marrying death metal power to complex rhythms, deep rooted emotion and a primal roar in the face of a society sleepwalking to its doom, Hybrid is a vibrant, vital explosion of sound. Out now on Morningstar Heathens Music Group.
"Atmospheric, heavy and aggressive..." 9/10 - NECROMANCE DIGITAL MAGAZINE
Back in 2014 musical mastermind Osirion unveiled the first full length album from his atmospheric, neo-classical/ambient solo project ' Dreamfire. Nearly fifteen years in the making, Atlantean Symphony was an exploration of the worlds of myth and legend. Despite only being released independently, the Dreamfire debut caught the imagination of all those who heard it and inspired rapturous responses from respected magazines. In 2017 Minotauro Records were able to coax the enigmatic composer from his haunted halls once more and the first fruits of this new alliance are now available - a new edition of Atlantean Symphony, completely remastered, with stunning new artwork and booklet design and two bonus tracks. Even more beautifully presented, its atmosphere even more engulfing...beyond epic, beyond dreams, Atlantean Symphony now appears in its ultimate incarnation. The doorway is open and your dreams are waiting... Availble from April 27th on Minotauro Records.
"... grandiose and passionate..." 10/10 - METAL TEMPLE
Mind Enemies' Revenge is an exquisite blend of technical prowess, consummate song writing and original character. Each song combines lively, intricate rhythms with crisp, complex riffing and spiralling solos of breathtaking quality. The simple, melodic vocal lines and controlled tempos balance the dextrous technicality with a rare acessibility, making Revenge so much more than a 'musician's album'. Everything on Revenge was written by Giuseppe Caruso, everything on Revenge was played, produced and mixed by Giuseppe Caruso - all of which makes this album even more of an incredible achievement.
"...a great debut album that offers a nice navigation through this infinite ocean called Progressive Metal." 8/10 - THAT METAL STATION

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