HYPNOTIC NAUSEA: Release Sophomore Album The Death of All Religions

City H. - Year 2. The archbishop strikes the fear of god in the hearts […]
March 19, 2019

City H. - Year 2. The archbishop strikes the fear of god in the hearts of men. Construction of the great Temple has been concluded and adjacent buildings are well underway. Sacred and proper. That is the word imposed by the elite. Everything in His name. No exceptions. The peasants are to remain in their underground quarters deep in the vaults of City H. They must build. There is no time for thought. Only prayer!
A concept album about the viral nature of religion and other mind viruses. A made up deity drives society's train and the people seem defenseless against it. They serve it blindly. Yet they serve other people. The inventors of their false god!
On 29 March HYPNOTIC NAUSEA is set to release their second album The Death of All Religions through Ikaros Records. Partnership with the label resulted in a special vinyl edition which will be accompanied by a twenty-four-page comic strip. The strip and artwork for the record was created by their very own bass player George P. (Gmonkey Cartoon).

Produced by HYPNOTIC NAUSEA, Hector.D & George Ravaya
Mixed & Mastered by Hector.D at HD.Factory
Drums recorded at Trianon Theater, Athens by Hector.D
Recorded at Soundflakes Recording Studios, Athens by Nick Papadopoulos and Hector.D

Vocals on "Priest" by Jon Voyager
Narration on "Inquietum Cor" by George Ravaya
Keyboards on "Inquietum Cor" by MakisTsamkosoglou

Concept & Music by Hypnotic Nausea
Lyrics by George B.
Artwork by George P.
Graphic Design by We Love Rain

George B., George P.(Gmonkey Cartoon), Nikos B., Fotis G.

Released by Ikaros Records, 2019

Official website: www.hypnoticnausea.com
Bandcamp page: www.hypnoticnausea.bandcamp.com

Kyle Scott

Hypnotic Nausea
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