HUMAN WASTE: Early Demos Coming Out On Xtreem Music

It was in 1991 when the 1st demo by spanish Death Metallers HUMAN WASTE was […]
January 14, 2015

It was in 1991 when the 1st demo by spanish Death Metallers HUMAN WASTE was released on the legendary Drowned Productions (pre-Repulse/pre-Xtreem Music) and this was the 3rd title on this label. There weren't almost any Death Metal bands in the spanish scene, but HUMAN WASTE arose like a whirlwind with their brutal, twisted and somewhat technical Death Metal creating an own and recognizable sound with their weird riffing and complex structures.

HUMAN WASTE recorded 4 demos, one each year, between 1991 & 1994, but the 4th one, even if it was Death Metal, it was already showing a deviation towards more progressive & experimental sounds, so this release coming out in 2015 through Xtreem Music, is focusing on the first three demos, the most brutal and merely Death Metal. These three demos: "The Miracle of Death" ('91), "Existential Nausea" ('92) & "Promo Tape '93" ('93) are being re-issued in one CD entitled "Harvest Remnants" with remastered sound, liner notes and lots of bands photos, demo covers, flyers, etc. and comes with a killer artwork by canadian artist Derek Restivo.

Release date for "Harvest Remnants" is set for February 20th and in the meantime, you can listen to the opening track from their Demo '92 here:

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Xtreem Music
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