HORRIFIC DEMISE: Release "Excruciating Extermination."

Horrific Demise began as the germ of an idea, floating in the darkness of Matt […]
July 26, 2019

Horrific Demise began as the germ of an idea, floating in the darkness of Matt Bishop's twisted imagination, back in 2005. It gestated in the shadows, growing throughout Matt's ten years in the ranks of legendary overlords of the obscene and extreme, Lividity. It waited, feeding on a steady diet of sick riffs and sicker thoughts, all but forgotten, until Matt met up with Necrotic Disgorgement guitarist Tony Tipton in 2013 and together the two axe-wielders dragged the beast into the light...

Over the next five years Matt and Tony assembled an elite team of brutal death metal talent under the Horrific Demise banner, with drummer Kyle Christman (Gorgasm, Sarcophagy) and bassist Phil Good (Necrotic Disgorgement, Created To Kill etc) being quickly added to the ranks. The search for the perfect voice to articulate the horrors of the band's songs proved more difficult, but eventually Anthony Voight (Gorgasm, Sarcophagy) grabbed the mic and unleashed his inhuman roar and Horrific Demise was instantly complete. More than just sickening heaviness and speed, the songs that this collective have forged bleed staggering riffs, skin-flaying solos and vicious, addictive hooks. Laden with nerve-shredding atmosphere, Excruciating Extermination is an album that Matt Bishop has described as his own personal Reign In Blood. For all their collective experience and past triumphs, together, the members of Horrific Demise know they have created something special; a sonic nightmare of terrifying power and potency.

When Comatose Music send Excruciating Extermination's chronicles of cruelty out from the chambers of Hell and into the world on September 6th, there will be no resisting the overwhelming power of Horrific Demise. The beast has well and truly come of age and it's ready to start killing ' until only it remains. This album, this band, this label ' they are all undeniable. Nothing will stand in their way. Prepare to be exterminated!

For a first taste of Excruciating Extermination check out the Slam Worldwide premiere of the video for single 'Voracious Cravings' right here:

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