HIDDEN LAPSE: First Single & Pre-Order.

HIDDEN LAPSE: first single out and pre-order available. Power-progressive metal band HIDDEN LAPSE has just […]
April 3, 2019

HIDDEN LAPSE: first single out and pre-order available. Power-progressive metal band HIDDEN LAPSE has just unleashed "Dead Jester", first single off the sophomore album "Butterflies", coming out next May 31 via ROCKSHOTS RECORDS.

The official audio of the track is available at the following link:

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"We are all 'Butterflies' "quotes the band, "our lives spring into each other, too fast. This album puts us behind the eyes of eight unique anti-heroes and victims of our time, who don't belong here though. 'Butterflies' is all about being trapped in recursive routines and still in the outside."
The new album "Butterflies" is an aggressive and melancholic female fronted power prog album, with ethereal vocals, abrasive riffing and pounding drums.

Pre-orders are now available at the Rockshots Records' official store:https://bit.ly/Butterflies_CD

Furthermore the band has announced 2 Italian shows as support of SEVENTH WONDER, Tommy Karevik's band:

12 April - Dagda Live Club (Retorbido)
13 April - Alchemica Live Club - Bologna


Alessia Marchigiani - Vocals
Marco Ricco - Guitars and Vocals
Romina Pantanetti - Bass
Alessio Monacelli - Drums


Rockshots Records
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