HICSOS: remakes and possible recording new album in HCS Studio

It's been a year that launched HICSOS "Circle of Violence", and after extensive disclosure including […]
September 4, 2014

It's been a year that launched HICSOS "Circle of Violence", and after extensive disclosure including concerts, interviews and reviews, giants prepare their return to the studio.

The example of "Circle of Violence" the HICSOS think about recording his new album also in his own studio, Studio HCS. But nothing decided yet, and some tests will be done.

By means of these tests, we may have to rewrite the song "Eatin 'Concret" (2004), as well as some songs from their demos 90s.

But everything is still in testing, to actually achieve recording the new album in his own studio and finally fall headlong into the compositions to launch another sonic destruction.

So now remains for us to wait and hope that these remakes come to us fans. And then, do we have more surprises? Stay tuned!

Renato Junior
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