HELLCIRCLES: Artwork and tracklist of "Prelude To Decline"

HellCircles reveal the cover artwork of their upcoming album "Prelude ToDecline", to be released on […]
April 13, 2014

HellCircles reveal the cover artwork of their upcoming album "Prelude ToDecline", to be released on April 22nd through Valery Records. The artwork hasbeen created by Thierry Buysse and Francesco Ravara.

The tracklist of the album will be as follows:

1. Stillness
2. Let Us Unite
3. Take Or Give Up
4. Turn Back Time
5. Like A Hero
6. The Damage Done
7. Our Drawing (Feat. Ralf Scheepers)
8. Rise Again
9. Prelude To Decline
10. Release Your Pride

Marco Parisi
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