HEATHEN BEAST: New Video "Fuck All Religions Equally."
March 11, 2019
HEATHEN BEAST: Indian black metal stalwarts release celebrations of atheism and hatred for all religions with two new singles.
HEATHEN BEAST has been consistently churning out atheistic, anti-religious, and sometimes political black metal for many years now, becoming one of the faces of India's burgeoning black metal scene. Yet while some bands hesitate from criticizing the dominant faith systems of the country, Heathen Beast has done only that in their multiple EPs and compilation releases. These latest two songs continue their onslaught against everything putrid and repugnant in the world we live in.

Heathen Beast is a 3-piece black Metal band from Kolkata, India. Since their 2010's debut EP "Ayodhya Burns", they have carved out a reputation for no-nonsense, anti-religious black metal with a sense of politics as well. Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Nationalism, all are targets of Heathen Beast's relentless assault. Through 5 EPs and 1 Compilation release, the band has cemented themselves as an important part of India's extreme music scene with listeners from death metal and grindcore quarters as well.
Their latest 2 songs "Fuck All Religions Equally" and "Bloody Sabarimala", their first outings since 2017, build on the bludgenoing death metal inspired guitar-work with even more venemous vocals, once again taking shots at the heart of Indian society. Tremolo riffs and machine-gun drumming serve to create the atmosphere of total war, while Carvaka's venomous vocals provide both an anthemic defiance as well as a scathing critique. "Fuck All Religions Equally" is self-explanatory whereas "Bloody Sabarimala" takes a vicious aim at Hindu beliefs about menstruation and women's purity.
Heathen Beast has proved to be a prolific and reliable purveyor of extreme music in this wartorn land of South Asia, a voice of hatred against every negative cultural and traditional norm. Unique in sound and identity, free of gimmicks and not one to capitalize on western stereotypes of a spiritual India to sell records. Though some sonic comparisons to Marduk, Craft or Watain can be found, this Indian 3 piece is a unique beast to be reckoned with, and an important band for these confusing times. These latest two songs continue on the path, grinding on mercilessly against the tide.
Carvaka - Vocals/Guitars
Samkhya - Bass
Mimamsa - Drums
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