HARMDAUD: Skarvor Out On February 22ND. Preorder Starts This Week!

Swedish one man band Black/Death Metal prohect HARMDAUD reveals the mystic and dark cover artwork […]
February 1, 2019

Swedish one man band Black/Death Metal prohect HARMDAUD reveals the mystic and dark cover artwork for its new album Skärvor, due out on February 22nd 2019!
The cover artwork has been designed by the artist Gargoth, luciferum war design.

In words of Andreas Stenlund:

"With Skärvor I continue the journey that started with Blinda Dödens Barn in 2017. The music has evolved and grown, still keeping true to the HARMDAUD core to explore different parts of extreme metal. Skärvor is dark and brutal at times, yet melodic and melancholic at others. Like Blinda Dödens Barn, Vintersorg produced, mixed and mastered the album and with his touch, the vision of Skärvor has to life!"

Tracklist as follows:
Bränt till Grund
Natten oss Genomströmmar
Sprickorna i Verkligheten
Näven kring min hals

Skärvor has been recorded at the Cave and the Temple Studios and Waves Studios, produced by Vintersorg, mixed and mastered by Vintersorg at Waves Studios.
Preorder options and first single available from February 1st!
More info coming soon to www.artgatesrecords.comand:


Kyle Scott

Ivan Magdalena
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