Hardcore Superstar - New album and exclusive tour in March!‏

HCSS' COMING FULL CIRCLE It all started when a fan gave Martin a copy of […]
February 10, 2015


It all started when a fan gave Martin a copy of a demo we recorded back in -94. We all got very surprised about the great vibe and how good we sounded that early. The tracks were literally drenched in sweat, excitement and inspiration. So when it was time for us to start working on songs for our new album we returned to those demos and relearned those old riffs and by that got inspired for all the new stuff that we came up with.

Basically - to reinvent ourselves we had to go back to the summer of -94 when we first started this band and through that get in contact with the feeling and the vibe that inspired us in the first place.

That same philosophy goes for the whole album - how we approached the recordings, artwork, choice of the right guy to mix the album and so on. In a way we are backtracking our roots to show ourselves why we once started this band. What we found out is that the very things that got us together in the first place are the same things that still gets us going.

So this is nothing less than HARDCORE SUPERSTAR coming full circle by showing our fans where we come from and what we still believe in!

The album "HCSS" will be released April 22th around the world.

Track list:
Don't Mean Shit -> (Don't Mean Shit on YouTube)
Party 'Til I'm Gone
The Cemetery
Off With Their Heads
The Ocean
Touch The Sky
Growing Old
Glue -> (Glue on Spotify)
Messed Up For Sure

"When we touch the sky tour"
- The band will preform the new album live before the release -

- We saw a reason to "Touch the sky" by presenting this album live so we booked an exclusive club tour that will start one and a half month before the release. Let's go "Off with our heads" and "Party til we're gone" and celebrating the new HCSS album!

Gain/ Sony Music
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