HAKEN, LEPROUS & MASCHINE join forces for UK tour

InsideOutMusic is extremely pleased to announce that three of its youngest and brightest bands will […]
May 3, 2014

InsideOutMusic is extremely pleased to announce that three of its youngest and brightest bands will join forces for a UK & Irish tour later this year. Haken, Leprous & Maschine will all head out on the road together in October & November 2014 for what will be the biggest run of UK dates that any band has yet embarked on, showcasing some of the younger progressive talent that InsideOut have to offer.

The dates are as follows:

Haken, Leprous & Maschine:
Presented by Prog Magazine
23rd October, 2014 ' London, The Garage
24th October, 2014 ' Leamington Spa, Assembly
26th October, 2014 ' Bristol, The Fleece
27th October, 2014 ' Wolverhampton, Robin 2
29th October, 2014 ' Dublin, The Village
30th October, 2014 ' Liverpool, O2 Academy 2
31st October, 2014 ' Manchester, Club Academy
1st November, 2014 ' Edinburgh, The Liquid Room
2nd November, 2014 ' York, The Duchess

London-based progressive metallers Haken have been going from strength to strength following the release of latest album 'The Mountain', with Prog Magazine calling it 'an absolute triumph, a celebration of all the prog world holds dear.' The band had this to say about the upcoming dates: "We can't wait to get back on the road this October for our first UK tour! We'll be sharing the stage with incredible Leprous and Maschine - it's gonna be a blast. We'll be playing songs from our back catalogue with the possibility of showcasing some new material. We're looking forward to seeing you there."

Norwegian heavy proggers Leprous last year released their latest album 'Coal' with Metal Hammer calling it 'further proof that forward-thinking, technical metal is in a rude state of health.' This tour will see the band play in many cities they have never visited before, and they comment:
"So finally we get the chance to do a more extensive tour in the UK! It's a territory we've wanted to explore for a while and when we got the chance to the tour it with our very talented label mates Haken, the choice was easy. It will be our first shows ever in Ireland and Scotland, we will explore several new English cities and also be able to return to London again. Ever since I lived in England myself for a year (from 2009 - 2010), I've wanted to come back here for a proper tour! The nice thing about the UK, is that you have all these great cities in very close distance to each other! Which means less driving and more playing! We promise a very intense show, and hope to see as many as possible of our UK fans at the shows."

Brighton-based young progressive rockers Maschine released their impressive debut album 'Rubidium' last August, and this run of dates will mark the band's first major tour. Classic Rock picked up on them, calling them 'very promising indeed', and the band have been voted Prog Magazine's best new band. The bands leader Luke Machin says this:

"Maschine are massively pleased to be a part of this tour as each band are certain to bring something special for every one of these live shows. We will be performing tracks from our debut album 'Rubidium' and will also be looking forward to road testing some new material."

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