GRINDMOTHER: Kickstarter Campaign Upcoming Documentary.

Just in time for Mother's Day this weekend, metal's favorite senior frontwoman, aka Grindmother, has […]
May 14, 2017

Just in time for Mother's Day this weekend, metal's favorite senior frontwoman, aka Grindmother, has launched a Kickstarter campaign for an upcoming documentary!

The 68 year-old and her son, Rain Forest, plan to raise $12,000 CAD in the next 45 days in order to bring a film crew on their next tour. The startup funds will also go toward equipment and the hiring of an editor who will make the final cut of the film.

A few excerpts from the Kickstarter page read:

"Since she accidentally stumbled into the rock n roll lifestyle in 2015, Grindmother has been captivating the world with her amazing story.

It's been truly awesome to see the transformation she has made from a 66 year-old retired social worker into a grindcore frontwoman who has released an album and performed in 28 cities this year.

We will properly document an upcoming tour, to shed some light onto what her life is like and why she chooses to continue performing at her age. We will also visit with fans, some who have incredibly touching stories, that have been more inspired by Grindmother than we even thought possible!"

You may check out the campaign here:

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