Grand piano in place of orchestra - AETERNITAS Acoustic Video Session

We can do it without... without guitar amps and without orchestra tracks. But there remain […]
February 8, 2015

We can do it without... without guitar amps and without orchestra tracks. But there remain big emotions and an intimate performance.

AETERNITAS provide an acoustic special feature of their symphonic metal songs - catchy and passionate!

The first video "Can You Hear The Demons" of the acoustic session will be released via YouTube on February 22th 2015.

This video trailer will provide a first impression:


The German symphonic metal band AETERNITAS was founded in 1999 by Anja and Alexander Hunzinger.

After three released albums AETERNITAS have been working on their new concept album "House of Usher", based on the famous short story of Edgar Allan Poe, "The Fall of the House of Usher".

For this new album AETERNITAS are developing a modern Symphonic Metal with complex orchestral arrangements, grooving rock parts and the strong and catchy voices of Alma Mathar and Oliver Bandmann.

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