Gorguts & Misery Index: Announce European tour

GORGUTS, masters of technical death metal and MISERY INDEX, kings of extreme death metal team […]
March 6, 2014

GORGUTS, masters of technical death metal and MISERY INDEX, kings of extreme death metal team up for a European co-headlining tour this spring. This crushing package will hit the roads on April 24th at Portugal's Barroselas SWR Festival and run through until the final spectacular show at the prestigious Neurotic Deathfest in Tilburg, Netherlands. All dates can be viewed below:


24/04/2014 PT Barroselas SWR Festival
25/04/2014 ES Madrid Shoko
26/04/2014 ES Murcia Garaje
27/04/2014 ES Barcelona Razz 3
28/04/2014 FR Toulouse Dynamo
29/04/2014 IT Brescia Circo Colony
30/04/2014 AT Vienna Escape
01/05/2014 DE Darmstadt Steinbruch Theater
02/05/2014 CH Lyss Kulturfabrik
03/05/2014 BE Bruxelles Magasin 4
04/05/2014 NL Tilburg Neurotic Deathfest

Luc comments: "It is with great joy that we eagerly await to get to Europe to meet each of you to share the music of 'Colored Sands'", relates the GORGUTS frontman. "When we toured Europe in the summer of 2012 it was the band's second European tour in 19 years! So we need to catch up with you Metalheads! When we were told that the tour would happen with our label mates MISERY INDEX, I couldn't be happier!! I remember hearing 'Treaitors' for the first time, and I was a fan right away!! I cannot wait to share the stage with them. This will be great!!"

Jason adds: "We are really looking forward to hitting Europe with our label-mates and brothers GORGUTS for these shows and festivals", enthuses the MISERY INDEX mastermind. "Nothing but good times await! Also we expect this tour will come close to the release of our new album, which makes it perfect timing. See you all in spring 2014!"

Season of Mist
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